En el tutorial os muestro mi manera sencilla de como integrar cualquier pieza en un diseño
creado con alambre, aluminio.......conseguimos una pieza con un acabado perfecto y estable.
Y así poder utilizar cualquier pieza sin preocuparnos de que calibre tiene la perla,
faceta, chatón, pieza de zamak...........
Espero que os sirva.
Un saludo
In the tutorial I show you my simple way to like integrate any piece in a design
created with wire, aluminum ....... obtain a piece with the finished perfect one and the stable one.
And like that to be able to use any piece without worrying about that caliber has the pearl,
facet, chatón, piece of zamak ...........
I hope that it should serve you.
A greeting
created with wire, aluminum ....... obtain a piece with the finished perfect one and the stable one.
And like that to be able to use any piece without worrying about that caliber has the pearl,
facet, chatón, piece of zamak ...........
I hope that it should serve you.
A greeting